THE SWERVE is a quiet, unforgettable drama that follows the story of Holly (the excellent Azura Skye), a mother and wife trapped in an unfulfilled life, slowly crumbling under the weight of a failing marriage, rude kids and a dull teaching job.
Add to all this a clueless younger sister (an acerbic Ashley Bell) who delights in calling her “Holly Hippo” from a mean childhood memory, and Holly has little in her life except playing family chauffeur, dutiful family cook, and thankless family cleaning lady.
Watch the official trailer for the film here.
Watch our exclusive interview with the star and the filmmaker of THE SWERVE at the bottom of this post.

Watch it for Azura Skye’s unforgettable performance of a miserable mom!
There’s a lot of symbolism in this film. Holly drives her gray minivan, a mouse invades her kitchen and bites her, and she gets side-eye from a hunky teenage student in one of her classes. Her cooking specialty is apple pie. But one evening, getting away from a miserable family dinner, Holly runs another car off the road. The incident (and nightmares of) heightens her sense of self-doubt. Did the accident really happen or was she daydreaming thanks to her meds?
THE SWERVE is a collection of wonderful performances, in particular from Skye, Bell, and a sensitive Zach Rand who plays her student. But the main premise is still a Lifetime Channel melodrama in classy indie clothes thanks to writer/director Dean Kapsalis’ deft eye crafting this claustrophobic tragedy.
A claustrophobic tragedy! A shocking ending lifts THE SWERVE from regular fare into a domestic hell.
Her flirty husband (Bryce Pinkham) is bound to be a cheater. And her relationship with her hunky student is also a Lifetime cliché. These all converge to a shocking ending that lifts THE SWERVE from regular fare into a domestic hell.
THE SWERVE is available now on VOD and on digital platforms. Watch Henrick Vartanian‘s exclusive interview with the star and the filmmaker, below.