The Girl Without Box Office Clout

$72 million at the box office is known as "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" not making money?
$72 million at the box office is known as "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" not making money?

Leave it to Hollywood to take a strong novel and wind up with a weak box office.

Since its Dec. 20 release, “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” has grossed a total of $72 million; which is well short of the movie’s $90 million production budget.

Unfortunately, Rooney Mara, the film’s star, hasn’t been a box office draw.  America can’t be blamed—just who and what is a Rooney Mara?  The producers’ pocketbooks would have been better served if they did a movie starring Angelina Jolie called, “The Girl with Billy Bob Thornton’s Tattoo.”

Then again, seeing how Hollywood constantly fouls up well-made foreign movies (i.e., “The Birdcage” from “La Cage aux Folles”), some “higher up” will give the green light to a faux foreign film; and announce: “Heidi Klum and her singing husband will appear in an Ingmar Bergman film about Ms. Klum giving birth to her seventh child which will be called, ‘The Seventh Seal.’”  A key scene will be Ms. Klum playing the grim reaper in a game of chess.  If the reaper wins, he kills her career by forcing her star in the soon-to-be-filmed ‘The Girl Who Played With Fire.’”

Go see the film. They need the money:

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