Does “The Beaver” movie starring Mel Gibson really exist?

The existence of a poster for the movie “The Beaver” proves that the film may actually exist, and given Mel Gibson’s current status, well, who knows if it may end up a quiet release on DVD or get some theatrical release – that’s if the cinema going audience forgives Gibson’s recent rants and not-so appealing behavior.   This could also be the comeback Mel Gibson desperately needs. The poster spotted at the American Film Market, this week, perhaps indicates bigger plans for the film, directed by none other than Jodie Foster and starring Mel Gibson in a lead~like role.

It goes like this:  Walter Black (Gibson), a depressed toy manufacturer who loses his family his business, tries on a hand puppet one day — a chatty British rodent called ”The Beaver” — and his personality is transformed for good.  However, things take a bad turn when the puppet takes over.”

Mel Gibson- "The Beaver" poster, as spotted at American Film Market

There was an on going interest in the script for “The Beaver.”  You see, the desk-to-door traveling script made its way around Hollywood big shots, and it was actually on an industry type survey: The 2008 “Black List” for the best unproduced screenplay. It was almost going to become a movie starring Steve Carell. Now, with Gibson playing the role and the crazy stuff he’s been getting into, the movie may actually have a life and dare we say, fun to watch. However, it is ultimately left to the viewing audience and their wallets indicating an interest for Mel Gibson and whether they forgive him for his behavior. But all of that maybe way down the road.


What really is the “Black List?”

BLACK LIST:  It’s an annual poll, originated by a witty assistant at Leonardo DiCaprio’s company, in which all of Hollywood’s D-boys and girls nominate the strongest unproduced screenplays of that year.  Then they all rank the screenplays according to numbers of mentions in Hollywood, then the list is distributed throughout the industry, adding luster to projects that might otherwise end up as doorstoppers at some agency, or on the floor of an assistant’s Jetta.

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